Atal Pension Yojana
Atal Pension Yojana is a government-backed scheme that lets subscribers from unorganised sectors invest in the early age and avail a pension after retirement.
Atal Pension Yojana is a government-backed scheme that lets subscribers from unorganised sectors invest in the early age and avail a pension after retirement.
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) is a tax saving scheme that allows guardians of a girl child to save and invest a sum of money and earn high returns for her future requirements.
Kisan Vikas Patra is a savings cum investment scheme by the Indian post office department, that doubles the sum in 124 months (approx.).
Table of Contents1 What is Senior Citizen Savings Scheme?2 Why Senior Citizen Savings Scheme?3 Who can Invest in Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS)?4 Senior Citizen
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Table of Contents1 What is Investment?2 Objective of Investment2.1 Capital Appreciation2.2 Current Income2.3 Capital Preservation2.4 Speculation3 Process of Investment3.1 Defining Investment Objective3.2 Analyzing Securities3.3 Construct
Digital payment is a way of payment that is made through digital modes. In digital payments, payer and payee both use digital modes to send and receive money. It is also called electronic payment.
Table of Contents1 What is Saving?2 Advantages of Saving2.1 Safety Net2.2 Less Stress2.3 Enable You to Travel2.4 Financially Independent2.5 Comfortable Retirement3 Expense Management3.1 Devising a
Financial Planning is the process to understand our needs and financial goals, quantifying them and matching them with expected income over a sufficiently long time horizon.