What is E Banking? Features, Types, Electronic Fund Management
Table of Contents1 What is E Banking?2 Features of E Banking3 Types of E Banking3.1 Internet Banking3.2 Automated Teller Machines (ATM)3.3 Tele Banking3.4 Smart Card3.5
Table of Contents1 What is E Banking?2 Features of E Banking3 Types of E Banking3.1 Internet Banking3.2 Automated Teller Machines (ATM)3.3 Tele Banking3.4 Smart Card3.5
Table of Contents1 What is Money?2 Origin of Money2.1 Animal Money2.2 Commodity Money2.3 Metallic Money2.4 Paper Money2.5 Credit Money2.6 Plastic Money3 Functions of Money in
The future of the governments and the political parties depend on how they tackle the problem of inflation. Many aspects of our everyday activities are
Table of Contents1 What is Banking Structure?2 Banking Structure in India2.1 Banking Regulator2.2 Scheduled Banks in India2.3 Public Sector Banks2.4 Regional Rural Banks2.5 Private Sector
The concept of the quantity theory of money (QTM) began in the 16th century. As gold and silver inflows from the Americas into Europe were
Digital banking is the incorporation of new and developing technologies throughout a financial services entity, in concert with associated changes in internal and external corporate and personnel relationships, to provide enhanced customer services and experiences effectively and efficiently
On-banking financial institutions (NBFIs) also mobilize financial resources directly or indirectly from people. They lend funds but do not create credit. Companies such as LIC, GIC, UTI, Development Financial Institutions, Organization of Pension and Provident Funds fall into this category.
Reserve Bank of India established in 1935 with a Mandate to set up a special Agricultural credit Department (ACD) with expert staff. RBI initiated different
The role of public sector banks increased after nationalization of commercial banks. On I July 1955, the government of India took over imperial Bank of
Table of Contents1 What is Commercial Banks?2 Commercial Banks Definition3 Structure of Commercial Banks3.1 Scheduled Banks3.2 Non Scheduled Banks4 Functions of Commercial Banks4.1 Accepting Deposits4.2