The expenditure cycle is concerned with the acquisition of fixed assets, raw materials, or manufactured components and the use of employee labour to yield a finished product.
Table of Contents1 Effect of Public Debt1.1 Revenue Effect1.2 Expenditure Effect2 Other Effects of Public Debt2.1 Effect on Consumption2.2 Effect on Production2.3 Effect on Distribution2.4
Table of Contents1 What is Federal?2 Definition of Federal3 Principles of Federal Finance3.1 Principle of Independence and Responsibility3.2 Principle of Adequacy and Elasticity3.3 Administrative Economy
Table of Contents1 Classification of Public Debt1.1 Internal and External Debt1.1.1 Internal Debt1.1.2 External Debt1.2 Productive and Unproductive Debt1.3 Redeemable and Irredeemable Debt1.3.1 Redeemable Debt1.3.2
Table of Contents1 What is Public Debt?2 Classification of Public Debt2.1 Internal and External Debt2.2 Productive and Unproductive2.3 Redeemable and Irredeemable Loans2.4 Funded and Unfunded
Table of Contents1 What is Public Finance?2 Definition of Public Finance3 Importance of Public Finance3.1 Steady State Economic Growth3.2 Price Stability3.3 Economic Stability3.4 Equitable Distribution3.5