What is Customer Relationship Management?
Table of Contents1 What is Customer Relationship Management?2 Components of CRM2.1 CRM Software2.2 Business Processes2.3 Users2.4 Hardware and Operating System3 Three Phases of CRM3.1 Acquire3.2
Table of Contents1 What is Customer Relationship Management?2 Components of CRM2.1 CRM Software2.2 Business Processes2.3 Users2.4 Hardware and Operating System3 Three Phases of CRM3.1 Acquire3.2
Table of Contents1 What is Infrastructure Management?1.1 Systems Management1.2 Network Management1.3 Storage Management2 Need for Infrastructure Management3 Uses of Infrastructure Management What is Infrastructure Management?
Table of Contents1 What is Supply Chain Management?2 Meaning of Supply Chain2.1 Customer2.2 Planning2.3 Purchasing2.4 Inventory2.5 Production2.6 Transportation3 Define SCM3.1 Objectives of SCM3.2 Components of
Table of Contents1 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)2 Benefits of the SDLC Process2.1 Requirement Gathering and Analysis2.2 Design2.3 Implementation/Coding2.4 Testing2.5 Deployment2.6 Maintenance3 SDLC Implementation Software
Table of Contents1 Types of Networks2 Local Area Network3 Metropolitan Area Network4 Wide Area Network5 Bluetooth as Wireless Technologies6 RFID – Radio Frequency Identification Types
Table of Contents1 What is Database Management?2 Objectives of Database Management2.1 Physical Independence2.2 Logical Independence2.3 Ease of Use2.4 Speed of Access2.5 Centralized Administration2.6 Limiting Redundancy2.7
Table of Contents1 What is a Database?2 Meaning of Database2.1 Data2.2 Information3 Types of Databases3.1 Distributed Database3.2 Object-oriented Database3.3 Temporal Database3.4 Multimedia Database3.5 Deductive Database3.6
Table of Contents1 Types of Information Systems2 Functional Information Systems2.1 Financial Information System2.2 Marketing Information System2.3 Recurring Information2.4 Monitoring Information2.5 Requested Information2.6 Production/Manufacturing Information System2.7
Table of Contents1 Operations Support Systems2 Transaction Processing Systems2.1 Batch Transaction Processing2.2 Real-time Transaction Processing3 Process Control System4 Enterprise Collaboration System4.1 Electronic Communication Tools4.2 Electronic
Table of Contents1 What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)?1.1 Commercial ERP Package1.2 Open Source ERP Package2 Evolution of an ERP System3 Benefits of an ERP