Download Principles of Management Notes, PDF, Books, Syllabus for B COM, BBA 2022. Get completely free access to the principles of management notes. Principles of Management study material includes principles of management notes, principles of management book, courses, case study, principles of management syllabus, question paper, MCQ, questions and answers.
Table of Contents
Principles of Management Notes is available to download in principles of management pdf form from the below article.
Principles of Management Syllabus
A detailed principles of management syllabus as prescribed by various Universities and colleges in India are as under. You can download the syllabus in principles of management pdf form.
Nature of Management, Importance of Management, Functions of Management, Administration and Management, Management Science or Art, Functional Areas of Management, Evolution of Management Thought, Contributions of F.W Taylor, Henri Fayol and Elton Mayo.
Planning and Decision Making: Planning, Purpose of Planning, Steps in Planning, Types of Plans, Objectives, Strategies, Policies, Procedures, Management by Objectives (MBO), Process Benefits and Problems, Decision Making.
Organising: Principles of Organisation, Formal and Informal Organisation, Different Forms of Organisation, Line and Staff Conflict, Committee form of Organisation, Organisation Structure.
Delegation of Authority & Responsibility: features of Authority, Distinction between Power and Authority, sources of Authority, Limits of Authority, Responsibility: Features of Responsibility, Accountability, Principles of Delegation, steps involved in Delegation process, Advantages and obstacles of Delegation.
Centralisation and Decentralisation: Importance, Advantages & Disadvantages, factors determining the degree of Decentralisation, Delegation and Decentralisation, Centralisation Vs. Decentralisation.
Coordination: Meaning, Characteristics, Co-ordination, Co-operation, Co-ordination as the Essence of Management, Principles of Co-ordination, Advantages& Disadvantages, Techniques of Co-ordination.
Direction and Control: Direction, Meaning, Elements, characteristic, importance, and principles of direction. Control: Introduction, Definition, Characteristics. objectives, necessity, elements, process of control, importance, limitations, Budgets and Budgetary Control.
Emerging concepts in Management: TQM, MBO, MBE, Core Competency, CSR.
Principles of Management Notes
Principles of Management Questions and Answers
Some of the principles of management questions and answers are mentioned below. You can download the QnA in principles of management pdf form.
Principles of Management Question Paper
If you have already studied the principles of management notes, then it’s time to move ahead and go through the previous year’s principles of management question paper.
It will help you to understand question paper patterns and types of principles of management questions and answer asked in B COM, M COM, MBA, BBA principles of management exams. You can download the syllabus in principles of management pdf form.
In the above article, a student can download principles of management notes for MBA 2nd year and principles of management notes for MBA 3rd semester. Principles of Management study material includes principles of management notes, principles of management books, principles of management syllabus, principles of management question paper, principles of management case study, principles of management questions and answers, principles of management courses in principles of management pdf form.