Editorial Team

Editorial Team


Editorial Team

Our educational content website on marketing, finance, and management has an experienced team of writers, editors, and subject matter experts who create accurate and relevant content. We have strict editorial policies and review boards to ensure accuracy and transparency. Our goal is to provide readers with high-quality educational content to aid personal and professional growth.

Components of OD

Table of Contents1 Components of OD2 OD Process2.1 Diagnosing the System, its Sub-units and Processes2.2 Program Management Component3 Phases of OD Programs3.1 Analyzing Discrepancies4 Model

Teams and Parallel Learning Structures

Table of Contents1 Introduction of Teams and Parallel Learning Structures2 Teams3 Team Building of Teams and Parallel Learning Structures3.1 Developing Winning Teams3.2 Team Roles3.3 Balanced

Od Interventions

Table of Contents1 Introduction of Od Interventions2 Organisation Development Interventions of Od Interventions3 Characteristics of Od Interventions4 Classification of Od Interventions4.1 Structural Intervention4.2 Designing Organisational

Comprehensive OD Interventions

Table of Contents1 Introduction of Comprehensive OD Interventions2 Comprehensive OD Interventions2.1 Search Conferences and Future Search Conferences3 Beckhard’s Confrontation Meetings of Comprehensive OD Interventions4 Strategic

Power, Politics and OD

Table of Contents1 Introduction of Power, Politics and OD2 Power3 Theories of Sources of Social Power3.1 Power Dependence Theory3.2 According to French and Raven3.3 Strategic

Training Experiences

Table of Contents1 Introduction of Training Experiences2 Training Experiences2.1 T-Groups2.2 Behavior Modeling3 Life and Career Planning3.1 Career Anchors3.2 Coaching and Mentoring3.3 Instrumented Training Introduction of

Planned Change

Table of Contents1 Introduction of Planned Change2 Meaning of Change3 Forces for Change of Planned Change3.1 External Forces3.2 Internal Forces4 Level of Change Programmes4.1 Individual

Managing OD Process

Table of Contents1 Introduction of Managing OD Process2 Managing the Process of Managing OD Process2.1 Problem Identification and Diagnosis2.2 Planning Strategy for Change2.3 Intervening in

Action Research and Organisation Development

Table of Contents1 Introduction of Action Research and Organisation Development2 Action Research: A Process and an Approach3 History of Action Research4 Varieties of Action Research

Structural Interventions

Table of Contents1 Introduction of Structural Interventions2 Selected Structural Intervention2.1 Socio-technical Systems (STS) Theory2.2 Traditional MBO Theory2.3 Quality Circles2.4 Quality of Work Life (QWL) Programs2.5