Company and Compensation Laws Notes PDF, Syllabus | BCOM, BBA [2022]

Download Company and Compensation Laws Notes, PDF, Books, Syllabus for B COM, BBA 2022. Get completely free access to the company and compensation laws notes. Company and Compensation Laws study material includes company and compensation laws notes, company and compensation laws book, courses, case study, company and compensation laws syllabus, question paper, MCQ, questions and answers.

Company and Compensation Laws Notes is available to download in company and compensation laws pdf form from the below article.

Company and Compensation Laws Syllabus

A detailed company and compensation laws syllabus as prescribed by various Universities and colleges in India are as under. You can download the syllabus in company and compensation laws pdf form.

Unit |

  • Lesson 1: Company: Meaning of Company, Characteristics of a Company, Distinction between Company and Partnership, Types of Company.

  • Lesson 2: Incorporation of Companies: Incorporation, Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Difference between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, Constructive Notice of Memorandum and Articles of Association.

  • Lesson 3: Prospectus and Commencement of Business Structure: Definition of Prospectus, Objects of Prospectus, Requirements Regarding Issue of Prospectus, Contents of Prospectus, Mis-statement in Prospectus, Statement in lieu of Prospectus, Minimum Subscription, Commencement of Business.

  • Lesson 4: Allotment of Shares and Debentures: General Principles Regarding Allotment, Rules of Allotment, Transfer and Transmission of Shares, Share Warrant and Share Certificate, Difference Between a Share Certificate.

  • Lesson 5: Meetings: Kinds of Meeting, Statutory Meeting, Annual General Meeting, Extra Ordinary General Meeting, Class Meetings, Requisites of a Valid Meeting, Voting and Poll, Resolutions, Managerial Remuneration.

Unit ||

  • Lesson 1: Management of a Company: Meaning of Director, Classification under Companies Ac, Further classification, Classification under Listing Agreement, Classification under Listing Agreement, Appointment of Women Director, Independent Director, Small Shareholder’s Director, Director Identification Number (DIN), Director under Companies Act, 2013, Legal Position of Director, Powers of Directors, Duties of Directors, Liabilities of Directors.

  • Lesson 2: Meetings of Shareholders and Board: Requisites of Valid Meeting, Proxies, Quorum, Postal Ballot, Meeting Through Video Conferencing, Rules to be observed while conducting the proceeding of the Board Meeting, Rules to be observed after the conclusion of the meeting mainly relating to the minutes of the meeting.

  • Lesson 3: Dividends and Its Legal Provisions: Legal Provisions Concerning With Dividend, Unpaid and Unclaimed Dividends Account (Sec.124) (Sec.205A), Investor Education and Protection Fund (Sec. 125) (Sec. 205C).

Company and Compensation Laws Notes

Company and Compensation Laws Questions and Answers

Some of the company and compensation laws questions and answers are mentioned below. You can download the QnA in company and compensation laws pdf form.

Company and Compensation Laws Question Paper

If you have already studied the company and compensation laws notes, then it’s time to move ahead and go through the previous year’s company and compensation laws question paper.

It will help you to understand question paper patterns and types of company and compensation laws questions and answer asked in B COM, M COM, MBA, BBA company and compensation laws exams. You can download the syllabus in company and compensation laws pdf form.

In the above article, a student can download company and compensation laws notes for MBA 2nd year and company and compensation laws notes for MBA 3rd semester. Company and Compensation Laws study material includes company and compensation laws notes, company and compensation laws books, company and compensation laws syllabus, company and compensation laws question paper, company and compensation laws case study, company and compensation laws questions and answers, company and compensation laws courses in company and compensation laws pdf form.

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